7 Unique Yoga Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Yoga Business Significantly

7 Unique Yoga Marketing Ideas To Grow Your Yoga Business Significantly in 2024

Demand for yoga instructors has been growing recently due to the immense health benefits of yoga.

However, if you are a yoga instructor or own a yoga studio, then you probably know that the industry is now super competitive.

The market is overly saturated, with an annual industry growth rate of over 11.7%!

At this point, if you want to ensure you have a steady revenue stream, you must have a well-planned yoga marketing strategy in place. You need to make sure you are able to attract new clients on a regular basis and grow your local authority.

Today, we will look at how you can devise a yoga marketing plan that will help you increase your clients to stay ahead of the competition, and eventually help you become a renounced yoga instructor.

After reading this article, you will learn,

  • The basic fundamentals of running a yoga business.
  • 7 proven strategies for effective yoga marketing.
  • actionable instructions on how you can implement these strategies.

And eventually, you will be able to start growing your yoga business significantly.

So, let’s begin.

Fundamentals Of Running A Yoga Business

First, you need to start with the basics. You need to have a few things in place to conduct proper yoga marketing to bring in more clients.

i. SEO Optimized Website For Your Yoga Business

The first thing you must do is to have a good website that is optimized to rank on SERPs related to local yoga queries. This means you need to prepare a few basic content that will indicate that you are one of the trusted yoga instructors in your area and can be suggested to potential customers.

Yoga business website

Your landing page should be well-written and highlight what facilities you offer and what type of yoga training you provide.

Also, indicate the benefits of doing yoga and why people should choose you as their choice of instructor or yoga studio.
(This can be done by sharing testimonials and the amount of experience you have.)

You also need to write a few informative blogs about yoga to demonstrate your expertise on the subject matter.


It means when someone searches for “yoga near me,” your studio has a good chance of being seen.

If they can’t find you online, you might as well be invisible.

ii. Google My Business

Having your presence on Google is important. So, you may set up a Google My Business profile.

Here, include a proper description to highlight the authenticity of your yoga business and include additional details such as contact details, address, images of your studio, and directions to find you on Google Maps.

This will help you appear on search results when nearby customers may search “yoga near me.”

iii. Social Profiles

Create profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where you may share your address and the way to contact you.

In these profiles, make sure to have some videos uploaded on a bi-weekly basis to highlight your expertise and attract people who visit your business social IDs.

People love to watch reels related to yoga and often get inspired to join yoga training programs.

iv. Well-groomed Yoga Studio

While people would want a wide space to do yoga, you can work on making your studio more decorated and well-organized.

You would want visiting clients to get excited to join immediately.

A good idea is to have at least one exercise area outdoors, maybe in a personal garden. People love outdoor yoga sessions.

Don’t forget to promote how great your yoga studio is on your social profiles from time to time.

v. Available Certified Yoga Instructors

Whether you train or hire trainers, you should always have a certified yoga instructor available during business hours.

For new potential clients, a direct conversation with a yoga instructor could help to make decision-making much easier.

Moreover, certified yoga instructors will ensure your current clients are satisfied with the service, which will help spread positive word of mouth.

vi. Suitable Location

In case you are not a personal trainer and maybe provide online training, you don’t need to worry about the location.

But if you have a yoga studio, a lot of its local success may depend on where you are located. People wouldn’t want to travel far or go to congested areas for a yoga session.

If you can find a place in the city that is easy to move to but isn’t among a lot of congestion with several businesses in the same area, that would be an ideal location.

Then again, you would also want a location that people can find easily on the map. So, if you are planning to launch a yoga studio, do keep these things in mind before investing.

vii. Easy Way To Contact You

Lastly, you would want your buyers to be able to contact you easily.

So make sure you mention your phone number and email anywhere you promote your yoga business – videos, social posts, articles, etc.

Also, include a contact form on your website to contact you after business hours.

Someone should be able to answer calls, emails, or queries full-time. So you may hire an assistant or a manager to handle these.

7 Yoga Marketing Ideas To Get More More Clients

Once you have the fundamentals in place, let’s focus on yoga marketing strategies that you should implement to grow your business.

Following are seven strategies that will help you reach more potential clients and enroll more students in your yoga classes.

1. Yoga Video Marketing via YouTube & Instagram

YouTube and Instagram are quite popular with yoga lovers.

Many people want to learn the techniques online and look for expert guides to help them out.

You may create short videos of specific techniques per video with instructions on where to focus the energy and what help it will deliver.

The reverse yoga pose - video yoga marketing idea
Photo Source: Avrielle Suleiman

For example, you could create a dedicated video to the ‘plank pose’ and explain how one should position their body, point out the focus spots, and explain the right way to carry the whole practice out.

In the case of a studio, you could rather give short clips of the classes that take place to create interest among local clients. The idea would be the same, just that you will be promoting a brand instead of yourself.

You might think you are giving away the instructions and may not get clients anymore. But trust me, what you are really doing is you are demonstrating your expertise.

Most people do not like doing yoga alone. And learning all poses on their own would be quite difficult.

Besides, the main difficulty most people will face is consistency. They will start motivated, but over time, they become lazy about it and eventually stop practicing. When this happens, many of these individuals will look for a yoga studio or join yoga classes in their neighborhood.

Hence, if you can target them with a proper yoga class advertisement and offer special packages, you will end up convincing many to consider joining your classes.

In the long run, you could end up becoming a trusted expert with many followers on Instagram or subscribers on YouTube. And many of your promotional campaigns will get you instant results.

2. Offer Free Trials To Get Firsthand Experience Of Yoga

Many of your locals may think about taking yoga classes but may not be confident about it. A couple of dilemmas they may have is whether they will enjoy the experience and whether it will truly benefit them.

A good way to solve this is by offering trials.

Yoga Marketing with Free Trial
Photo Source: Photo Genius

You could offer a free 2-class trial so that people can experience it firsthand. This will help you convince a lot to register for regular classes later.

To spread the news about the trial, you could use a well-planned funnel.

Yoga marketing funnel using free trial
  • First, create a landing page with a quiz. Insist people on taking the quiz to reveal what yoga poses could help them relieve stress or improve health issues.
    Be sure to give a drop-down list of up to 8 common issues to choose from so that prospects can feel personalized and realize this could really help them. You will also collect additional information, such as their age, location, type of preferred diet, etc., that will help you run personalized campaigns later.
  • Once they fill out the form, redirect them to a second landing page. On this page, start by insisting that yoga has the solution to their problems and follow through with a glimpse of poses that can solve the health issues you had listed on the quiz. For example, “Get rid of headache with the Sirasana Pose” and “Vrikshasana (Tree pose) to relieve lower back pain.”

    After this section, include a video inviting them to join your yoga classes while explaining how some poses help. Near the end of the video, offer them a free trial. The video copy should be persuasive to convince viewers that yoga is one of the best solutions.

    Right after the video, add a testimonial section of people who actually found solutions to their problems through Yoga.

    Finally, offer them to register for a 2-day trial along with details on where & when the classes will be held and the whole process. People will then register, and you can thank them using a Thank you page after registration.
  • Once you have these three pages ready – the Landing Page, Trial-offer Page, and Thank You Page – set up automation around this funnel for segmentation.

    Basically, after one submits the quiz, assign them specific tags depending on the problems they selected. For example, whoever selects “Headaches” should be assigned the tag “headache issue,” and people who select “Lower back pain” should be assigned the tag “lower back pain issue,” and so on. This way, you will be able to set up targeted email campaigns.

    Next, set an automation around the second landing page. When one submits the form, assign them a second tag, “trial accepted.”
Yoga funnel automation for segmention
  • Now, it’s time to set up email marketing automation flows for those not registering for the trial. For this, you have to create 8 different automation flows in your email marketing tool. Each flow will have the following steps:
    – Trigger: Tag Assigned: “headache issue” (tag based on the problem selected in the quiz)
    – Action: Delay: 2 hrs
    – Action: If/else Condition: If the tag is not “trial accepted.”
    – Action if true: 1-day delay followed by 3 email series with three-day intervals between them.
    (The 1st email will be about the poses and how they will relieve the problem. The second will be why they should take the trial to get firsthand experience. The third will be a last chance to get the trial.)
Email marketing for yoga trial
Email Automation Flow For A Single Issue
3 Email Series To Promote Yoga Trial
Email Series To Promote Yoga Trial
  • This whole automation setup will help to get as many registrations as possible. It could seem like a bit of hard work, but eventually, you will get more clients for your yoga business.

    When all of these are in place, start promoting your funnel via Paid Ads and social media to start getting leads and registrations for your free trial.

Once you have enough people registered, then it’s up to you to prove to them that they really do need your yoga classes. Then, give them a good offer to join your programs.

**The funnel and email automation can be easily created using WPFunnels & Mail Mint. You may check them out here.

3. Host Yoga Classes Both Locally and Online

When you have a yoga studio, the ideal scenario would be to get a lot of clients to join your classes. So, it is a must to have a venue to host yoga classes. But many don’t like traveling or going to venues. There is where you can use a unique yoga marketing tactic.

Besides the local classes, you can also stream your classes to clients online.

Host Online Yoga Classes
Photo Source: master1305

Let me explain. On your website, when people register, you can insist on joining for live classes in person or online. (You may offer the same over the phone when someone calls for an inquiry.)

In this case, the online class would be priced at a lower rate (as you don’t have costs for the venue there). Whoever signs up will get a routine of when your live classes will be held.

When you host a live class at the venue, arrange a camera set up in front of you (or the yoga instructors), and stream it live on a private network for the students who registered.

This way, you will not only be teaching people in class but will also have a lot of students online.

However, you will need to hire an assistant who will be able to collect questions from students online, and you can answer them.

This approach will mean you are not limited to local clients only. You will now be able to reach several distant clients as well.

**Do keep one thing in mind. Do not take too many students for a single schedule. Even if you can have more people attend the session in this way, you will still have limited time to answer and observe their performances. This is not just a display but a class where people expect to be taught with quality. I would suggest taking a maximum of 20 in-person students and 20 online students at a time.

4. Run A 15-day Yoga Challenge (Free Subscription)

Challenges are a great way to motivate people who are fitness-conscious.

You can do the same with a free Yoga Challenge.

For example, you could announce a 15-day challenge to reduce body pain using yoga.

In this case, you could plan out a 15-day routine for various poses and invite people to a private community where you will host a 30-minute live yoga session every day (at a fixed time).

This can be hosted on a private Facebook Group, private YouTube playlist, or a private Membership area on your website.

Your main goal here would be to ensure this challenge is exclusively for people who register on time and that you are able to give them really value while demonstrating your expertise.

The steps for this would be:

Steps to planning & executing a yoga challenge
  1. Plan a 15-day yoga challenge with a real promised benefit.
  2. Set up a routine of poses per session.
  3. Plan the challenge period and decide a fixed time of the day when you will host these sessions every day.
  4. Create a private community, possibly a Facebook Group, to host the sessions.
  5. Build a 2-step funnel along with email automation
    – A Landing page to explain the benefits of this free yoga challenge, along with an opt-in form to register.
    – Thank you page with confirmation and appreciation.
    – Automated email with the challenge schedule and link to join the community.
  6. Promote the challenge via Paid Ads, Re-targeting Ads, and Social Media.

This process will help you land a lot of participants. At the final session, you may give them a good offer to join your yoga programs and initiate email marketing automation afterward to convert more of them.

~ If you use a WordPress site, then you may use WPFunnels & Mail Mint to launch your yoga challenge easily.

Here’s an example of a 30-day Yoga challenge back in 2015 that was hosted by Adriane, one of the renounced yoga instructors from Austin, Texas.

5. Host Free Yoga Workshops At Fitness Events And Local Venues

Much like offering free trials, hosting free workshops can be a great way to promote your yoga business.

If there is any health & fitness event, you could attend and give a live demonstration, along with explanations of why yoga is beneficial.

At the same time, you could invite 20-30 attendees to join you on a live workshop later that day.

**This will involve you either having a good connection with the event host or renting a certain area of the venue for a specific time during the event.

Let’s say you gave the demonstration in the morning and would host the workshop during the afternoon, let’s say at 3 PM.

Host A Yoga Workshop
Photo Source: Geert Pieters

At that time, make sure people who are not attending can also see how you are handling the workshop, either with big screen TVs/projectors outside the session area or you may even host an outdoor session if possible. You also need to see through that you have a mic and sound system that people outside can hear besides watching the live session.

During the workshop, give more information as to what each pose you are doing is supposed to help with and why.

Once the workshop is over, have the people attending state their experience.

Then, announce where your yoga business is situated and make a special offer that people can claim if they join in the next two weeks.

You will be surprised how great this yoga marketing strategy will work. You will achieve great local brand exposure while getting a chance to attract new clients.

Following are a few yoga workshop ideas:

  1. Beginner’s Yoga Bootcamp: A session tailored for those new to yoga, introducing basic poses and breathing techniques.
  2. Yoga for Stress Relief: Given today’s hectic pace, a workshop focused on relaxation and mindfulness can be a big hit.
  3. Dynamic Flow Session: For those looking to break a sweat and enjoy a more vigorous routine.
  4. Meditation and Mindfulness: Dive deep into the art of meditation, helping participants find inner peace and clarity.
  5. Yoga for Back Pain: Addressing a common issue, teach poses specifically designed to alleviate back discomfort.

Tip: Make sure to ask for the email and phone number of people who are signing up for your workshop. These are people you can later market to or collect testimonials from to help out with yoga marketing.

You may consider partnering up with local businesses such as gyms, fitness centers, sports venues, or martial arts studios to promote your yoga business.

In fact, any business that involves physical activity could benefit from yoga, and you may approach them for partnership as well.

Here’s how you can collaborate with these businesses:

  1. Contractual Agreements
    Work out a paid deal where you offer yoga sessions at their facility, and they can promote it as part of their services to their clients.
  2. Special Sessions
    You may host, maybe, one free yoga class per week for their clients and throw in a special discount just for them to join your classes.
  3. Cross-Promotion Partnership
    Collaborate with each other to offer discounts for each other’s clients. Advertise this as a perk of being a member at your Yoga Studio.
  4. Partner With Local Influencers
    Find a few influencers in your neighborhood that people follow for fitness and wellness activities. You may pay them an upfront amount or offer an incentive per client generated as compensation to promote your yoga business.

A partnership is always good for yoga marketing; most yoga studios use it for local growth.

7. Advertise Your Yoga Business Using Re-targeting Ads

The most common marketing strategy that almost all businesses follow is to use Re-targeting Ads. And it shouldn’t be an exception in your yoga marketing plan.

Basically, whoever visits your website, visits your social pages, engages with your posts or videos, and is part of your leads list can be re-targeted using Paid Ads on Facebook or other platforms.

The main challenge here is to choose which platforms you want to run these Ads on.

If you are a startup, running re-targeting Ads on Google Ads may not be the best option as that would be expensive. (You would rather run traditional Google Ads for that)

For re-targeting, you could consider the following:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Tiktok
  • Snapchat
  • Whatsapp
  • Viber
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Steller
  • VK

Explore their settings and make sure you define the re-targeting conditions properly.

Since these are social platforms, the people using them will be perfect to bring in clients for your yoga business.

To get the best results, set up a yoga class advertisement for each of your programs to be able to target more specific audience with your re-targeting ads.

Final Thoughts

As you saw above, there are great ways to grow your yoga business as long as you are willing to put in the effort to do so.

We understand running a yoga business can often be tiresome when you do not get clients. So, your best course of action should be to put together a good yoga marketing strategy immediately.

The seven strategies in this article are definitely some of the ways you can incorporate to see significant growth in the long run.

So, go ahead and start using these strategies to get more clients.

WPFunnels and Mail Mint can be a powerful combination to help you create yoga funnels along with email automation flows. Whether you want to collect leads, launch a yoga challenge, or offer trial classes, these tools can help you set up the funnel journey to get more clients. So, make sure to check out these tools.

Get WPFunnels now!

Sakiba Prima

Sakiba Prima, the Content Editor at WPFunnels is passionate about making WordPress work wonders for your business. With a flair for simple yet effective sales & marketing tactics and handy tooltips, she turns complex ideas into easy reads.

Sakiba Prima

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