10 Email Marketing Automation Workflows To Grow Your Online Business Revenue

10 Email Marketing Automation Workflows To Grow Your Online Business Revenue in 2024

Marketing automation is becoming more and more critical for online businesses today. With the right workflows in place, you can get automated revenue generation and increased customer satisfaction.

However, setting up effective marketing automation can be tricky. You need to identify the right triggers and actions and string them together seamlessly.

In this post, we will look at 10 powerful email marketing automation workflows that can help boost your online business revenue.

By the end of this read, you’ll have a clear understanding of:

  • How to implement these workflows effectively.
  • The impact of each workflow on your business growth.
  • Strategies to maximize the potential of automation in your marketing efforts.

So let’s get started!

What Are Email Email Marketing Automation Workflows?

Email marketing automation workflows are sequences of pre-defined emails that are automatically sent to your subscribers based on their actions or behaviors. These workflows are designed to nurture leads, engage customers, and drive conversions by delivering timely and relevant content.

For instance, let’s consider a welcome email series. When a new subscriber joins your email list, you can set up an automation workflow to send them a series of emails introducing your brand, providing valuable information, and encouraging them to take further actions like visiting your website or making a purchase. Another example could be an abandoned cart workflow. If a customer adds items to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, an automated series of emails can be triggered to remind them about the items, offer a discount, or provide additional information to encourage them to complete the purchase.

You should use email marketing automation workflows when you want to streamline communication with your audience and personalize their experience based on their interactions. By implementing these workflows, you can save time, maintain consistency, and effectively nurture leads through various stages of the customer journey, ultimately boosting engagement and conversion rates.

How Marketing Automation Affects Revenue Growth

Implementing the right workflows can have a big impact on your business goals. Marketing automation helps you generate more leads, nurture them effectively, and convert them into customers in an autonomous environment.

Specifically, it can increase sales by 14.5% on average according to statistics.

The key metrics affected are:

  • Lead conversion rates – Automated nurturing and follow-ups mean more leads convert to sales.
  • Repeat purchase rate – Workflows like loyalty programs encourage repeat purchases.
  • Lifetime value – Personalized post-purchase communication improves customer lifetime value.
  • Sales efficiency – Your sales team can focus on qualified leads instead of manual tasks.

So if you want to scale your revenue, marketing automation is a proven way to get there. The key is setting up workflows that align with your business goals.

Essential Components of Effective Email Marketing Automation Workflows

For marketing automation to drive results, you need workflows that are tailored to your business and audience. Let’s look at two key elements for creating effective workflows.

i. Identifying Target Audience Segments

Dividing your audience into segments lets you send more relevant, personalized messages through automation. Here are some ways to identify segments:

  • Demographic data like location, age, gender
  • Past purchase history or browsing behavior
  • Engagement with your content like emails opened/clicked
  • Lead score calculated from interactions

Create 3-5 core segments to focus your workflows on. For example, you may have segments for cold leads, warm leads, customers, disengaged contacts, etc.

ii. Choosing the Right Automation Tools and Platforms

The automation tool you choose should make it easy to set up triggers and actions based on customer engagement.

For example, you may want to automatically enroll subscribers in a nurture campaign. Or send a coupon when someone abandons a cart.

Mail Mint is a great choice if you have a WordPress site. It lets you create workflows with email and SMS without technical skills. You simply set rules based on events, time delays, tags, and more.

10 Powerful Marketing Email Automation Workflows for Revenue Growth

Now let’s look at 10 specific email marketing automation workflows that are designed to help you boost your revenue.

1. Welcome and Onboarding Sequences

Welcome series and onboarding sequences are automated email workflows designed to introduce new users or customers to your brand, product, or service.

A “welcome series” typically initiates immediately after someone signs up, purchases, or joins your platform. It serves to make a positive first impression, build rapport, and guide users through the initial steps to maximize engagement. Onboarding sequences are more detailed and aim to educate users about key features, functionalities, or benefits of your offering over a longer period.

These email sequences are more applicable to digital products or subscription-based products/services.

Let us look at an example of a 4-email welcome series.

  • Email #1 – A thank you for subscribing along with a quick tip on how to make the most of your product/service
  • Email #2 – An overview of the top features and benefits of your product/service
  • Email #3 – A coupon code for 10% off their first purchase to incentivize them to buy
  • Email #4 – A short survey to gather feedback on their onboarding experience so far
Welcome and Onboarding Sequences

Sending this relevant multi-touch sequence right after signup will help to get subscribers invested in your brand and lay the foundation for an ongoing relationship.

2. Abandoned Cart Recovery Email Series

Cart abandonment is a common issue for e-commerce stores or any online business. You will find countless situations where a person drops off at the last minute while checking out.

They may stop the process and leave without completing the purchase due to various reasons. But you can, however, bring back a number of these prospects to come back and place the order again using an abandoned cart recovery email series.

Basically, when people abandon the carts, you may send a series of emails to re-engage them to remind them of the items they showed interest in and encourage them to complete the purchase.

The series typically includes multiple follow-up emails sent at strategic intervals, offering incentives, addressing concerns, or providing additional information to prompt the customer to return and finalize their purchase.

Here’s an example of an abandoned cart recovery email series that includes 3 emails:

  • Email #1 – A summary of the contents left in their cart, along with a reminder of the key benefits of the product/service
  • Email #2 – A coupon code for 15% off if they return to complete their purchase, giving them an incentive
  • Email #3 – Recommendations for products that are frequently bought together with items they showed interest in
Abandoned Cart Recovery Email Series

Following up with customers who clearly had purchase intent but got distracted, can help recover lost sales opportunities.

3. Upselling and Cross-selling Automation

You may use marketing automation workflows to suggest additional or upgraded products or services to customers based on their previous purchases or interests.

Upselling is when you encourage customers to buy a higher-end or premium version of the product they’re considering. Cross-selling is when you prompt customers to purchase related or complementary items.

These techniques are great ways to increase the average order value, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive more revenue by strategically recommending products that align with the customer’s preferences.

For instance, let’s say a customer just purchased a high-quality camera from your online store. You could set up an automated email series like this:

  • Email 1: “Get the Most Out of Your New Camera with These Lenses” (sent immediately after purchase)
  • Email 2: “Exclusive Offer: Add a Tripod and Elevate Your Photography” (sent two days later)
  • Email 3: “Upgrade Your Purchase: Special Discount on Our Premium Camera Case” (sent one week later)
Upselling and Cross-selling Automation

This series will enhance the customer’s initial purchase and introduce them to products they might not have considered, effectively increasing your average order value.

4. Lead Nurturing Campaigns

Whenever you collect leads, it is important to nurture your prospects on a regular basis.

Hence, you may use automated lead nurturing campaigns, i.e., a series of nurturing emails that will help you build relationships with potential customers (leads) at different stages of the sales funnel.

These campaigns are focused on engaging and educating leads over time, guiding them through their buying journey, and eventually converting them into customers.

A lead nurturing email campaign may involve sending targeted and personalized content such as emails, newsletters, webinars, or social media interactions to provide value, address concerns, and maintain engagement with leads who have shown interest in your product or service.

Let us look at an example.

Imagine you’re offering a fitness coaching service. A visitor to your site subscribes to receive your free eBook on “10 Quick Fitness Tips for Busy Professionals.” Here’s how you could structure your nurturing email series:

  • Email 1: “Welcome to [Your Brand]! Here’s Your Free Fitness eBook” (sent immediately after opt-in)
  • Email 2: “How to Fit a Quick Workout into Your Busy Schedule” (sent three days later)
  • Email 3: “Success Stories: Busy Professionals Who Transformed Their Lives” (sent one week later)
  • Email 4: “Join Our Fitness Program: Special Offer Inside” (sent ten days after opt-in)
Lead Nurturing Campaigns

Each email in this series offers value, builds trust, and gradually introduces your service, making it more likely that your leads will take the next step.

5. Customer Feedback And Review Requests

For a growing business, it is important to collect customer feedback and gain high ratings for your products to build up credibility.

So, whenever you convert clients, you should plan to use email automation to try and collect positive feedback. You may send out automated emails at strategic intervals to gather valuable insights and encourage positive reviews.

By leveraging automation, you can systematically collect feedback, assess customer satisfaction, and build a library of reviews that can enhance your brand’s credibility and influence potential buyers.

Here’s an example of an email series to collect customer reviews.

For instance, you could set up a 3-email series for a customer who recently purchased a coffee maker:

  • Email 1: “Happy with Your New Coffee Maker? Share Your Thoughts!” (sent 7 days after purchase)
  • Email 2: “Quick Reminder: We’d Love Your Feedback on the Coffee Maker” (sent 14 days after purchase if no response to the first email)
  • Email 3: “Last Chance to Review Your Purchase and Help Others!” (sent 21 days after purchase if no previous response)
Customer Feedback And Review Requests

This series gently encourages customers to provide feedback, enhancing your product’s credibility and helping future customers make informed decisions.

6. Post-Purchase Follow-ups With Loyalty Programs

If you have a loyalty program in place, you may use creative email marketing automation workflows to follow up with your new customers and get more people to get excited about this program.

Use a series of emails to thank customers for their patronage and encourage them to continuously engage with your loyalty program. Use these automated messages to express gratitude, reinforce the positive experience, and invite customers to join a loyalty program or rewards system.

Loyalty programs can include points accumulation, exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or other incentives to encourage repeat purchases and foster long-term relationships with customers.

Here’s an example of such an email workflow.

For instance, after purchasing a pair of running shoes, a customer might receive:

  • Email 1: “Thank You for Your Purchase! Join Our Runners’ Reward Program” (sent immediately after purchase)
  • Email 2: “Earn Points for Every Mile with Our Loyalty Program” (sent one week later)
  • Email 3: “Last Chance to Join and Maximize Your Rewards!” (sent two weeks after purchase)
Post-Purchase Follow-ups With Loyalty Programs

This sequence not only acknowledges their purchase but also incentivizes future purchases through the loyalty program, fostering a lasting customer relationship.

7. Re-engagement Campaigns for Dormant Customers

When you are running a business for a while, you will find that certain leads are non-responsive to your email campaigns. This means they have not engaged with your emails for a while. These customers are known as ‘dormant’ customers.

For such cases, you may use re-engagement campaigns. These are automated sequences of targeted marketing efforts aimed at reconnecting with customers who have been inactive or dormant for a certain period.

These campaigns serve to reignite interest, re-establish communication, and encourage dormant customers to re-engage with your brand. They typically involve personalized emails, exclusive offers, or reminders highlighting new products, features, or updates to capture the attention of inactive

Let us look at an example.

For instance, if a customer hasn’t made a purchase or visited your site in six months, you could launch a re-engagement email series like this:

  • Email 1: “We Miss You at [Your Brand]! Here’s What’s New” (sent after 6 months of inactivity)
  • Email 2: “Still Interested in [Product/Service]? Here’s a Special Offer Just for You!” (sent 10 days after the first email if there’s no interaction)
  • Email 3: “Last Chance to Grab Your Exclusive Offer!” (sent 20 days after the first email if the customer remains inactive)
Re-engagement Campaigns for Dormant Customers

This series aims to recapture the customer’s attention and bring them back into the fold with updates and special offers.

8. Incentives for Immediate Second Orders

A great tactic to initiate immediate engagement and additional orders is to persude customers to make a second order shortly after their first.

In this case, you may use an email series designed to offer incentives for immediate second orders and encourage customers who have recently made a purchase to return and make a second purchase in a short timeframe.

These series leverage incentives such as discounts, exclusive deals, or loyalty rewards to prompt customers to make a swift return to your platform or store. \

The goal is to capitalize on the momentum of the recent purchase and incentivize customers to take advantage of a compelling offer for their next order, thereby boosting customer retention and increasing their lifetime value.

Let us look at an example.

Imagine a scenario where a customer just purchased a fitness tracker from your online store. Right after their order status changes to ‘Processing’, they receive an email series like this:

  • Email 1: “Thank You for Your Purchase! Enjoy a 15% Off on Your Next Order” (sent immediately after the first order is placed)
  • Email 2: “Don’t Forget: Your Exclusive 15% Discount Awaits!” (sent 3 days later if the coupon hasn’t been used)
  • Email 3: “Last Chance to Use Your Special Discount on Our Fitness Gear!” (sent 7 days after the first email)
Incentives for Immediate Second Orders

This approach makes the customer feel valued by appreciating their initial purchase and providing them with an immediate incentive to make a follow-up purchase, enhancing customer loyalty and increasing sales.

9. Order Cancellation Follow-up Automation

Whenever a customer cancels an order, it is a lost opportunity. But you can still use this as a chance to gain some business value.

In this regard, use an order cancellation follow-up automation where you will send automated emails to customers who have canceled their orders. In these emails, you attempt to understand the reasons behind the cancellation, offer assistance or solutions to address their concerns, and potentially persuade them to reconsider their decision.

These emails will serve as a way to gather feedback, improve customer service, and potentially retain customers who might have canceled due to certain issues or dissatisfaction.

Here’s an example of such email marketing automation workflows.

For instance, if a customer cancels an order for a pair of shoes, you could set up an automated email sequence like this:

  • Email 1: “We Noticed You Canceled Your Order – Can We Help?” (sent immediately after cancellation)
  • Email 2: “Still Looking for the Perfect Shoes? Here’s a Curated Selection for You” (sent 3 days later)
  • Email 3: “We’re Here to Help – Get a Special Discount on Your Next Pair!” (sent 7 days after cancellation)
Order Cancellation Follow-up Automation

This series aims to re-engage the customer by offering assistance, alternatives, or incentives, turning a cancellation into a potential new sale.

10. “Payment Failed” Follow-up Automation

Sometimes, after a customer attempts to make a purchase, the payment may fail due to various reasons such as insufficient balance, technical difficulties with the account, and so on. But you do not want to lose this customer. It’s best to follow up with these customers.

Use these emails to notify customers about the payment failure, provide assistance to resolve the issue, and ensure a smooth transaction process.

They’re crucial to rectify payment issues swiftly, retain customers, and recover potentially lost sales due to payment failures.

Let us look at an example.

Imagine a customer trying to purchase a laptop, but their payment fails. An automated email series could be triggered like this:

  • Email 1: “Oops! There Was an Issue with Your Payment” (sent immediately after the failed payment)
  • Email 2: “Still Interested in the Laptop? Let’s Sort Out the Payment Issue” (sent 1 day later)
  • Email 3: “Need Assistance? We’re Here to Help Complete Your Laptop Purchase” (sent 3 days after the failed payment)
“Payment Failed” Follow-up Automation

This approach provides support to resolve the payment issue and keeps the customer engaged, increasing the chances of successfully completing the purchase.

How To Create Effective Marketing Automation Workflows Using Mail Mint

Mail Mint is a super easy-to-use and powerful email marketing automation tool in WordPress. The plugin comes with exclusive features such as lead capture forms, lead management with lists and segmentation, email campaigns, email sequences, email marketing automation workflows, abandoned cart recovery, and many more.

Its visual automation workflow builder makes it a top contender among most other tools that offer automation features. You will be able to set up various automation triggers for WooCommerce, WordPress, popular form builders, and customer actions.

Let us look at how you can use Mail Mint to create a simple email marketing automation workflow.

First, you need to ensure you have WooCommerce and Mail Mint Pro. Then follow the steps below.

1. Go to Mail Mint’s dashboard and click on Add Automation.

Mail Mint Dashboard To Create Automation

It will take you to a new automation workflow creation page.

2. Here, click on “Select Starting Point” to choose a trigger.

Choose Automation Trigger

3. Then Choose Actions such as delay, assign tags, emails, etc., to create the complete automation workflow.

Set Automation Actions

4. You can then configure each trigger and action such as setting the tag to assign, defining the delay time, designing the emails, etc.

And that’s it. Your automation workflow will be ready.


Implementing marketing automation can rapidly grow your business. The workflows we covered help you generate more leads, boost conversions, increase customer lifetime value, and drive repeat sales.

Actively use workflows like cart abandonment emails, post-purchase follow-ups, and loyalty programs. See how small automations create big revenue gains over time.

If you have a WordPress site, solutions like Mail Mint make it easy to create workflows without coding. Just make sure you are focusing on the quality of your content when sending out the emails.

Go ahead and start using email marketing automation workflows to grow your business significantly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What Are the Benefits of Marketing Automation for Small Businesses?

Marketing automation can be a game-changer for small businesses. It streamlines your marketing tasks, ensures consistent communication with your audience, and helps in nurturing leads more effectively. This leads to time savings, increased efficiency, and often, a better return on investment.

2. How Does Marketing Automation Impact Customer Relationships?

Marketing automation allows for personalized and timely communication with your customers. By sending targeted messages based on customer behavior or preferences, you build a more personalized experience, which can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Can Marketing Automation Help in Lead Generation?

Absolutely! Marketing automation tools can help in capturing leads through various channels like your website, social media, or email campaigns. By automating follow-up communications, you can nurture these leads until they are ready to make a purchase.

4. Is Marketing Automation Difficult to Implement?

While it might seem daunting, marketing automation is quite user-friendly, especially with tools like Mail Mint. These platforms are designed for ease of use, with intuitive interfaces and clear instructions, making the setup process straightforward even for those new to automation.

5. How Often Should I Review My Marketing Automation Workflows & Strategies?

It’s good practice to review your marketing automation strategies regularly, at least quarterly. This helps you stay on top of changing customer behaviors and market trends, ensuring your automation efforts remain effective and aligned with your business goals.

Sakiba Prima

Sakiba Prima, the Content Editor at WPFunnels is passionate about making WordPress work wonders for your business. With a flair for simple yet effective sales & marketing tactics and handy tooltips, she turns complex ideas into easy reads.

Sakiba Prima

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