How To Optimize Media Management For Your Funnel Website - WordPress

How To Optimize Media Management For Your Funnel Website – WordPress [2024]

When marketing products, you may craft several funnels to run various campaigns. This means you will be designing several pages aimed at different target audiences with resonating images and media files.

However, while doing so, you might come to a situation where your WordPress media folders are disorganized – you will have images scattered into a single area and hard to trace. This means that it will be difficult for you to reuse any images when you create funnels for a certain target audience moving forward, slowing down the funnel creation process and taking up more server resources.

At the same time, you will also have a tough time working with large-sized images which may slow down your funnel pages.

In order to avoid this, it is important to have a proper media management plan in place.

Today, you will learn how you can easily organize your media folders so that you can easily find media files when designing your funnel pages, saving you time and helping you design optimized funnels for any target audience.

In this article, we will discuss the necessary tools that can work together to help you with the overall process.

Let’s dive in.

Why Is It Necessary To Optimize Media Management?

Needless to say, if your website involves running different campaigns for different purposes or products from time to time, you will be busy building funnels and designing a lot of pages.

In this case, you have the option to use a certain set of images over and over again to avoid spending additional time designing new elements for every funnel or uploading the same images twice. More importantly, you would want to have an organized environment where you know which images you may use for each target audience.

At the same time, as mentioned earlier, you want to maintain high quality for the images you use to make your landing pages visually appealing. However, using high-quality images means the image weight is quite high. Images that have higher file sizes will slow down the overall loading speed of a page and you want to avoid this.

Implementing proper media management will involve two specific solutions:

  1. Organize your media folder with sub-folders for each target audience and distribute images accordingly.
  2. Use an image optimization tool to reduce image file size without compromising on the visual image quality.

These will come up with crucial benefits such as:

  • A well-organized file gallery will save time. You can quickly find the files you need, speeding up the process of building and updating your sales funnels.
  • Using a neat file gallery helps maintain a uniform look and feel across different sales funnels. This is important for brand consistency.
  • Spend less time searching for files or creating new files with a tidy file gallery, reducing frustration and making the funnel creation process smoother.
  • If you work with a team, an organized file gallery will ensure everyone knows where to find the right media files, aiding in effective teamwork.
  • Optimized images will ensure faster page loading speed and enhance the user experience for visitors to your site.
  • Get less database resources consumed due to not having images with large file sizes.

In short, keeping your file gallery organized is a practical step that can improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of your funnel creation process.

How To Organize Your Media Folders For Optimized Media Management

The best way to handle media folders is to use a File Gallery Management tool. And the best plugin to help you out with this is CatFolders – WP Media Folders.

CatFolders is a renounced WordPress development team under YayCommerce and has developed several efficient tools including WP Media Folders.

Let us look at how you can optimize media management for your funnels using this plugin.

Create Media Folders & Galleries For Media Management In WordPress

First, you have to craft sub-folders into your WordPress media gallery and create sub-folders.

To do so, initially get the CalFolders – WP Media Folders Plugin. Once you activate it, you should see the “CatFolders” menu on the WordPress dashboard menus.

At the same time, if you visit the Media library, you will notice a change in the interface.

media library with folder options

Here, you will get the option to add folders and distribute images into the folders. Create separate folders for each target audience and then move your existing images into the folders they resonate with.

You will easily be able to navigate to the folder you want, search for files, and view necessary images however you want.

Once you have created the folders, let’s look at how you can manage images in your funnel pages.

1. Before creating the funnel, first upload all of its images in the desired target audience folder.

Media management with catfolders

2. Once the images are uploaded, go to WPFunnels and create a new funnel from scratch. Let’s assume you are using Gutenberg for page design.

3. Add a Landing Page. Then edit it and it will open in the Gutenberg editing interface.

Add a funnel Landing Page

4. Here, when you need to use an image, select “Choose from library” when prompted.

5. This window will contain the folders you created earlier.

Image gallery folders for media management

6. Navigate to the desired folder and choose the necessary images.

7. If you have any images that you have used in the past, you can easily search for them in this folder and use them.

As you saw, when creating this funnel landing page, you had your images organized into a folder where you only have relevant images.

Other than this, you will also get the option to use a folder or sub-folder as an image gallery.

Suppose you have created a set of custom images of customer testimonials and want to display them as a block gallery.

1. In this case, go to the Media Library and create a sub-folder under your main target audience folder.

Create sub-folders for your media library

Give it a suitable name that reminds you of the funnel for which you are creating this gallery.

2. Edit the funnel and use the Gutenberg block “CatFolders Image Gallery”

Select CatFolders Image Gallery block

3. On the block settings, choose the sub-folder you created for this gallery.

block settings

And that’s it. Now, you will be able to display testimonials as a gallery on the landing page.

landing page with gallery in front-end

Yes, we are discussing media management, but CatFolders also has a great feature for managing documents from your media library, which, we believe, will help you manage lead magnets for your lead generation funnels.

In this case, you will need the addon, “CatFolders Document Gallery.” When you have this addon, on the page edit mode, you will get a new block with the same name.

block being selected ..

This block will allow you to choose any folder or multiple folders that you want to give access to for your prospects.

block settings ..

You will also get options to customize the layout, file view, fields, thumbnails for each folder, etc. to make it suitable for your funnel.

What you can do is, you can create a 2-step funnel using WPFunnels with a landing page and a thank you page.

WPFunnels' 2-step funnel

On the landing page include an opt-in form to collect leads while offering a free PDF resource in return.

Whoever opts in, direct them to the thank you page where you may use the CatFolders Documents Gallery to give access to the lead magnet, i.e. the PDF resource. On the front-end PDF gallery, it’s possible to sort WordPress files by file size, updated date, title, author name, etc.

So, other than helping with Media Management, the plugin can help you with documents and lead magnet management as well.

Optimizing Image Size For Media Management In WordPress

As we discussed earlier, image size is a big concern for page performance. A low page speed increases the chance of customers bouncing.

The easy solution here is to use an image optimization plugin, i.e., plugins that will automatically compress images into a suitable size without hampering the image quality on a large scale.

Image Optimization Plugins For Image Size Compression

Following are 3 plugins you can consider for this purpose.

1. Smush – Image Compression and Optimization

Smush is a popular choice in the WordPress community. It not only compresses and optimizes your images but also offers lazy loading, which further boosts your page speed. Smush is user-friendly and works efficiently in the background, ensuring your images are automatically optimized.

2. EWWW Image Optimizer

EWWW Image Optimizer is another excellent plugin that automatically optimizes your images as you upload them to your site. It also has the capability to optimize the images that are already part of your media library, making it a comprehensive solution for existing content.

3. Imagify – Optimize Images & Convert WebP

Imagify is not just about optimizing images; it also offers the option to convert them into WebP format. This means you get double the performance – reduced file sizes and the latest format for high-quality visuals.

Other than this, there obviously is a better option – using WebP images.

Basically, you may use an image converted to convert your images into WebP format, which will help reduce the file size significantly, without affecting the image quality at all.

Tools To Convert Images To WebP

Following are 3 tools you may consider for this purpose.

1. Squoosh

Squoosh is an easy-to-use, browser-based tool that allows you to convert images to various formats, including WebP. It’s a great option for quick conversions without the need for any software installation.

2. CloudConvert

CloudConvert is a versatile online tool that supports the conversion of various file types, including images to WebP. It’s user-friendly and offers high-quality conversions with a few simple clicks.

3. Convertio

Convertio is another online tool that excels in converting images to different formats, including WebP. It’s convenient and does not require any software download, making it accessible from any device with an internet connection.

Wrapping Up

Though we have discussed the possibility of optimizing your media management for funnels, these processes actually apply to your entire website.

Whether you are creating a webpage, documentation, blog, or funnel, ensuring you have organized media file folders and optimized image sizes will help boost your overall website performance and reduce wasted resources or efforts.

So go ahead and try using CatFolders along with the image optimization tools and ensure you have a better grasp on your media files.

It’s time to make your funnel creation process more efficient with optimized media management.

= FAQs =

1. Do WPFunnels and CatFolders work together properly?

Yes. If you are using Gutenberg to create your funnel pages, then CatFolders will work the same way with WPFunnels as it works with any ordinary page on your website.

2. Are there any limitations on the number of folders or subfolders I can create with CatFolders?

No. You can create as many folders or subfolders as you want.

3. How can I easily move media files between folders?

Explain how in 1 short paragraph.

4. Is there any plugin in WordPress that has a built-in feature to convert images to WebP?

There is no dedicated plugin to convert images into WebP. You will, however, find a virtual tour plugin called WPVR that has introduced this feature for the first time, and we were amazed at how it managed to reduce high files into reasonable sizes.

5. Will optimizing images affect their quality?

It will depend on how you set up the images. While image size optimization is an important part of media management, you wouldn’t want it to hamper the quality.

The plugins will compress as per your suggested settings, which may or may not have issues here and there. But a safe option is to convert images to WebP with an external tool, which will ensure no quality issues at all.

6. Is Webp format supported in all browsers and devices?

Yes, it’s one of the best image formats for online image content due to the low image sizes with high quality despite having high resolution.

Sakiba Prima

Sakiba Prima, the Content Editor at WPFunnels is passionate about making WordPress work wonders for your business. With a flair for simple yet effective sales & marketing tactics and handy tooltips, she turns complex ideas into easy reads.

Sakiba Prima

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