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How To Enable Quantity Selection During Checkout

With WPFunnels, you can allow your customers to choose the quantity of the product they are buying on the checkout page.

Let’s get started.

1. Click on the Checkout step and select the Settings icon.

Checkout Step Settings Option

Checkout settings drawer will appear.

2. On Products tab, add the main product to your funnel.

Add product at Checkout

3. Select Enable Quantity Selection to allow your customers to select the quantity.

Enable Quantity Selection on checkout

4. Click on Save Changes.

Checkout step save changes

Now let’s have a look at how this works on the checkout page:

  • Before the quantity selection is enabled on the checkout page.
Before quantity selection enabled on checkout page
  • After the quantity selection is enabled on the checkout page.
After quantity selection enabled on checkout page

That’s it, now you can easily enable this to let your customers choose the product quantity during checkout.

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