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  4. How To Use Action Based Conditions In Email Automation

How To Use Action Based Conditions In Email Automation

Introducing Conditions In Email Automation. Now you can add conditions in Automation and send targeted email campaigns based on user behavior and action.

Here’s how to do that,

In this case, we will look at an Automation Workflow that is for Lead Collection.

Lead collection

Add Conditions In The Automation Workflow

Click on the “+” icon and select If/Else condition.

If/Else Condition in Email Workflow

Once you select this you will find a settings module open on the right.

email user actions

You can select two types of user actions,

  1. Email Opened
  2. Email Clicked

Based on you may set conditions on who opened or clicked the first email you sent in this Workflow.

Once you set up the Criteria, you need to set up the date range,

email action

There are three options to select the range,

  1. Before a specific Date and Time
  2. After a specific Date and Time
  3. On a specific Date and Time

Before a specific Date and Time: With this option, you can set up whether you want the user to open or click the email before a specific date.

After a specific Date and Time: With this option, you can set up whether you want the user to open or click the email after a specific date. But to use this After option, you need to set up a specific time delay after the Send Email Action. Here’s how,

Email click / open after a date range

On a specific Date and Time: With this option, you can select the condition that your email will be opened or clicked on a specific date.

Once you’re done selecting this, you have to select the date and time.

email user action date and time

You can also select multiple conditions at the same time. Here’s how,

Click on “+ New Rule” and select another condition.

select multiple conditions

Send Targeted Emails Based On User Actions

Let’s say you have set up the condition that your user will open the Welcome email from Mail Mint by 20th May.

Now, if your user completes the action as you set it up, then the condition will be true and the flow under “yes” will run. So you may send an additional email to them that includes a discount coupon,

targeted email campaign upon email open

Otherwise, if the condition is not met and the user doesn’t open the email, then you may send a follow-up email,

targeted email campaign upon not meeting the condition

So, now you can take your email marketing efforts to the next level with more precise email automation workflows for different campaigns.

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