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How To Create Segments To Target Qualified Leads

You can create Segments with single or multiple conditions in Mail Mint.

Suppose you want to identify users who have spent more than $200 and have birthdays in February.

You can find out these specific users to send them a special discount or voucher for their birthday.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create segments to identify these.

Let’s get started.

Create Segments To Target Qualified Leads

Follow these simple steps to create Segments within your contact list.

Step 1: Go to Mail Mint > Contacts and move on to the Segments tab. Then, click on +New Segments.

Click New Segment

Step 2: Set a name for your segment and give it a suitable description.

Provide Segment Name & Description

Step 3: Now you can Select Field Type for your Segment. You can choose from these fields:

  • Contacts: Email, First Name, Last Name
  • Address: City, Postal/Zip, Country, State/Province
  • Contact Segment: Status, List Tag
  • Custom: any custom field you have in Mail Mint
Select Field Type

Step 4: You may select different conditions based on the Fields and assign values. Here’s an example:

If you select Email as your Field Type, the conditions will appear like this:

Condition Type

Step 5: Once you’ve set a Condition, you can enter a conditional value that will have to be in the Email.

Conditions for segments vary from Field to Field.

Add a Condition value

For this case, let’s find people who have “mailmint” in their email, for adding to this Segment.

Segment Explain with email

Now, in this Contacts list, there are 5 contacts who have “mailmint” mentioned in their Email.

So, this segment contains only 5 contacts.

Segment Updated

And as you can see only 1 contact is updated in this Segment.

Step 6: You can also merge different Fields to create one Segment.

Apply multiple And/Or conditions to these Fields.

Segment AND/OR Condition

Here’s an example of a Segment:

Example of Created Segment

According to this Segment, in this Segment:

  • The Email will contain “mailmint”.


  • The contacts are in the “Lead Generation” List.


  • The contacts contain the “Opt-In Submitted” Tag.
Segmented contacts

This is how you Create Segments.

Update Segment

You can always Update and add more fields and conditions in a single Segment whenever you want.

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