Design Funnel Steps Easily

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Funnel A/B Testing With New UI

WPFunnels allows you to A/B test every step of the funnel.

Let’s set up the A/B testing step by step.

Step 1: Create A/B Test Variants

1. Open a funnel and you’ll notice a “A/B Testing” icon at the bottom of every funnel step. Let’s click on the Landing step A/B Testing icon to set it up.

Landing step - A/B test

2. It will take you to the A/B Test window. Here, if you click on the (+) icon, you’ll see 2 options to create a new variant.

  • Choose a variant from Templates
  • Duplicate the original step

So at first, let’s add a variant from the pre-built Templates.

Add A-B testing variant - from templates

3. Then let’s add another variant by duplicating the Original step.

Add A-B testing variant - Duplicate original step

4. You can add as many variants as you want.

A/B testing variants

Step 2: A/B Testing Variant Settings

1. Click on the variant Settings icon to configure it.

Variant - Settings

2. It will open a Settings drawer where you can change the Title and URL Slug for the variant.

Click on Update after you configure them.

Change title or URL slug

Step 3: Traffic Distribution

1. On the A/B Test window, click on the Traffic Distribution to view it.

View Traffic Distribution

2. You can manually distribute the traffic among all variants. Or, click on the Balance icon to distribute traffic evenly among all variants.

You may also Lock the percentage of any variant.

Traffic Distribution

3. Click on Save after you distribute the Traffic to all variants.

Step 4: Start or Pause A/B Testing

1. On the A/B Test window, click on Start to start the A/B testing.

Start A/B Test

2. If you go back to the funnel canvas, you’ll see a “A/B test Running” tag on top of the step.

A-B Test Running

3. If you want to pause your A/B testing, go back to the A/B test window and click on Pause.

Pause A/B test

Step 5: A/B Testing Stats

1. To view the A/B test stats, click on Stats and you’ll be taken to the stats page.

View A/B Test Stats

2. Here, you’ll see statistics like Visits, Revenue, Conversion Rate for each variant.

Also, you can Declare a variant As Winner.


Step 6: A/B Test Winner

1. When you select a variant or the original page to declare as the winner, you’ll be taken to this page.

Other variants will be on Draft if you click on declare a Winner now.

Declare as Winner

2. You can select “Archive All Variants Except Winner” and then click on Declare A Winner.

This will keep all other variants in the Archive List.

Archive All Variants Except Winner

Step 7: Archive List

1. On the A/B Test window, click on the 3 dots at the top right corner. And then click on Archive List to view it.

View Archive List

2. From the Archive List, you can Retrieve a variant or Delete it.

Archived variants

That’s how you can set up the A/B testing easily.

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