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  4. Shortcode For Sales Funnel Checkout

Shortcode For Sales Funnel Checkout

This shortcode can be used on the checkout page to display the user’s billing fields, Shipping method, additional information, etc.


**When you add parameters to this shortcode, they should be separated by a space and their value should be enclosed by double quotations.


[wpf_checkout type="one-column" order_bump="yes"]

Parameters for Sales Funnel Checkout

  • type=”one-column”
    To Use the One column layout for the checkout form
  • type=”two-column”
    To Use the Two column layout for the checkout form
  • type=”wpfnl-express-checkout”
    To Use the Express checkout layout for the checkout form
  • type=”multistep”
    To Use the Multistep layout for the checkout form
  • type=”wpfnl-two-step”
    To Use the Two Step layout for the checkout form
  • order_bump=”yes”
    The checkout form will include the order bumps set up
  • order_bump=”no”
    The checkout form will not include the order bumps set up
  • class=””
    Name of a class to use custom design

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