Design Funnel Steps Easily

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WPFunnels – Assigning Funnel Product

When you start creating a sales funnel or import sales funnel template, you first need to assign the main product(s) to offer in the checkout step.

You will notice that it says “No Product Added.” This means the product is now assigned yet.

Follow the steps below to do so.

1. Click on the settings option for the checkout step.

Checkout Step settings

2. It will open up the checkout step settings window.

Search Product to Add

3. Here, search for your product and select it. And then click on the ‘+ Add Product’ button on the right side.

WPF Assign Product - Search for product

4. You will see that the product will be added to the funnel.

WPF Assign Product - Product added to checkout

5. Now, scroll down and click on Save Changes. Then close the window and you will notice that the “Product now added” message is no longer there.

WPF Assign Product - Product assigned successfully

Once the product is added, the next thing to do is to design your funnel steps and use the right content in the step pages.

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