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  4. How To Change Order Bump Position At The Checkout Step

How To Change Order Bump Position At The Checkout Step

You can place or change Order Bump position on your funnel Checkout page easily.

Following are the positions you can place order bumps on:

  • Before Order Details
    The order bump will be placed right above the order summary in the checkout page, where you get to see the products in the order, and the total cost.
  • Before Checkout Details
    The offer will appear above the checkout form.
  • After Checkout Details
    Offer will be placed right below the customer information details, i.e. below the Billing & Section of the checkout form.
  • Before Payment Options
    The order bump will be placed just above the payment section where a person will input payment details.
  • After Payment Options
    The offer will be displayed just after the payment section, just below the “Place Order” button.
  • Pop-up Offer
    The offer will appear as a pop-up after a few seconds on the checkout page.

To do so, add or edit an order bump and choose the position you want to place the order bump on:

Changing order bump position

You can then preview the checkout page to see how it looks for your funnel.

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