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How To Enable Quantity Selection During Checkout

With WPFunnels, you can allow your customers to choose the quantity of the product they are buying on the checkout page.

Normally, WooCommerce doesn’t allow changing product quantities during checkout. You have to go back to cart and change it. In WPFunnels, you can choose to allow users change the quantity on the checkout page.

Let’s get started.

1. Create a funnel.

Funnel Creation Overview - Funnel steps imported and mapped

2. Click on the Settings icon for the checkout step.

WPF Assign Product - Checkout settings icon

It will open up the checkout settings drawer.

3. Assign the funnel product by searching and adding it here.

WPF Assign Product - Search for product
WPF Assign Product - Product added to checkout

4. Below, find the option called “Enable Quantity Selection”

Find option 'enable quantity selection'

5. Enable it. Then click on save.

  • You will only see an option called “Enable Quantity Limit”
Quantity selection enabled

Enabling the quantity limit will let you set the highest limit as to how many of the product users will be able to order in this funnel.

Set quantity limit for orders

Once this is set, you can Save and view the checkout page to see the feature in effect.

Checkout with Quantity selector enabled

That’s it, now you can easily enable this to let your customers choose the product quantity during checkout.

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