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Basic Plugin Overview – Mail Mint

Mail Mint is a one-of-a-kind plugin that allows you to completely automate email marketing campaigns for your sales funnels.

Let’s have a basic plugin overview of Mail Mint to get you familiar with it and make it easy for your to automate your email marketing campaigns.

A Basic Plugin Overview of Mail Mint – for Email Marketing Automation

First, make sure that you have Mail Mint installed and activated on your website.

If not, you can follow this simple guide to install and activate Mail Mint on your site.

Once you have it running on your site and you’ve gone through the Setup Wizard, let’s have an overview of it.

Got to your WordPress Dashboard > Mail Mint.

You’ll land on the Dashboard.

Mail Mint Overview - Dashboard

Here, you’ll have a brief overview of your email campaigns, lead generation forms, & some useful analytics.

In this Dashboard, you’ll get to learn about:

-> Your total Contact numbers.

-> Your total Campaigns. 

-> Your total Automations.

-> Your total Lead Generation Form.

-> Your Subscription Growth (by Weeks, Months, & Year).

-> Your Active & Draft Email Campaigns (by Weeks, Months, & Year).

-> The number of your Subscribed, Unsubscribed, & Pending Contacts (by Weeks, Months, & Year).

Today, in this short guide, you’ll go through these:

  • Contacts.
  • Email Campaigns.
  • Automations.
  • Lead Generation Forms.
  • Mail Mint Advanced Settings.

Let’s get started.

1. Contacts

Click on the Contacts tab and you’ll get a preview of your contact list.

Here you can see these details about your contact list:

  • Your total Contact number.
  • The number of your Subscribed contacts.
  • The number of your Unsubscribed contacts.
  • The number of your Pending contacts.
  • The Lists you’ve created for your contacts.
  • The Tags you have to identify your specific groups among contacts.
  • Segments to seek out really specific contacts.

You’ll also see your entire Contact list and you can search by Statuses, Tags, Lists, or keywords and work with the results.

Mail Mint Overview - Contact Details

You can also easily choose to Add A New Contact.

You’ll find these options:

  • Manually Add a contact.
  • Import your Contact List with a CSV file.
  • Import your Contact List with Raw Data.
  • Import your WordPress Users.
  • Import your WooCommerce users.

Here’s how you can manually add a contact:

Add New Contact - Mail Mint

2. Campaigns

In the Campaigns tab, you’ll find your running, archived, and draft email campaigns.

Mail Mint Overview - Campaigns

Creating a new campaign is really easy, just click on the + New Campaign button.

Types of Email Campaigns - Mail Mint WordPress Automation

Once you click on it, you’ll find 2 options:

  • Regular Email Campaign.
  • Sequenced Email Campaign.

For Sequenced Email Campaigns, you’ll have 2 new options:

  • Regular Email Sequence.
  • Automation.
Sequenced Email Campaigns - Mail Mint

Once you choose to create any email campaign, you’ll be taken to the settings page for that campaign.

Where you can set:

  • Email Title.
  • Email Receiver List (you can choose by Lists, Tags, or Segments).
  • Subject Line.
  • Preview Text.
  • Sender Name.
  • Sender Email.

For the email design, you can create one from the scratch.

Add New Email Campaign - Mail Mint Automation

Or, you can choose to import the ready-to-use Mail Mint email templates with just one click.

These templates are designed from real-life use cases, you can just choose the most suitable one for you and get to work.

Smart Templates for Email Campaigns - Mail Mint

3. Lead Generation Forms

Click on the Forms tab to view the list of your lead generation forms.

You’ll find your running, archived, and draft lead gen or opt-in form for lead generation.

Mail Mint Overview - Lead Generation

Creating new forms is easy as well, just click on the + New Form button.

You can choose to create from scratch or import a Mail Mint template with just one click.

Ready to Use Smart Lead Generation Templates

4. Automations

In this tab, you’ll be planning your entire automation map, every step, every trigger, and every action you want automatically to happen for each trigger.

Mail Mint Overview - Automation

Here’s what simple automation will look like:

Automation Workflow - Mail Mint

Once a new user register on your site, you delay for 15 mins and send them a targeted email.

You can choose to send another email after some more time or assign another action.

Automation Workflow - Email Marketing

These automations will be completed on your behalf without any intervention. 

You just have to plan them smartly and set them once.

5. Mail Mint Advanced Settings

On the Settings tab, you’ll find all the settings for your Email campaigns, Forms, Automations, and the entire plugin.

i. Business Settings

Advanced Settings for Email Marketing Automation

Here you’ll set these Basic Details of your business:

  • Business Name.
  • Phone Number.
  • Business Address.
  • Your Logo.

You can also set up your Social Media Profiles here.

ii. Email Settings

Email Settings - Mail Mint

In this Email Settings tab, you can set these for all of your campaigns:

  • Sender Name.
  • Sender Email.
  • Receiver Name.
  • Receiver Email.

iii. Double Opt-in Settings:

Double Opt-in Settings - Mail Mint

In this section, you can set up a simple confirmation email for your subscribers and take the permission of your users to contact them in the future.

For this, you can use:

  • Enable Double Opt-in.
  • Email Subject.
  • Email Body.
  • Subscribe, Preference, & Unsubscribe links.
  • Confirmation Type.
  • Redirect the Page after Confirmation.

iv. General Settings

General Settings - Mail Mint

The General Settings tab has all the Advanced Options that you can change & optimize in your favor.

v. Compliance Settings

Compliance Settings - Mail Mint

 In the Compliance Settings section, you’ll have the option to enable these 2:

  • Make the IP data of your contacts anonymous.
  • When a WP user is removed, delete their Mail Mint data as well.

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