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  4. How To Create Tags For Your Contacts

How To Create Tags For Your Contacts

You can create “Tags” and assign them to users to identify groups among your user list.

Suppose you got a new or a free user who just signed up.

You can instantly set the tag ‘New User’ to identify them and run strategic & automated email campaigns to convert them into real customers.

In this guide, you’ll learn how easily you can create tags for your contacts.

Let’s get started.

Create Tags For Your Contacts

Follow these simple steps to create tags.

Step 1: Go to your Mail Mint Dashboard > Contacts.

Click on the Tags tab.

Click Add New Tag

Now click on the +New Tag button.

Step 2: You’ll find the options for adding a new Tag.

Set the Tag Name.

Give a Tag Name

Now click on the Save button.

Step 3: Now if you go to the Tags section, you’ll find the tag you’ve just created.

New Tag is Saved

And that’s it. As you can see, it’s really easy to create Tags.

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