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Twilio Integration With Mail Mint

You can now add SMS marketing to your email automation workflows thanks to Twilio integration with Mail Mint Pro.

Follow the steps below to start using Twilio and Mail Mint together.

Step 1 – Connect Twilio With Mail Mint

  1. Go to Mail Mint > Integrations and you will find the option to connect with Twilio. Here, click on “Connect.”
Twilio Integration with Mail Mint
  1. Now, log in to your Twilio account and find the SID & Auth Token.
Connect Twilio with Mail Mint
  1. Input them in the necessary respective fields in Mail Mint and click on Connect.
Connect with Twilio

    Step 2: Use SMS Marketing In Your Automation Workflows

    1. Create an automation workflow with triggers and actions.
    1. Decide a suitable phase when to send an SMS and add the action “Send Message”
    Use action - Send Message
    1. Choose if you want to send a basic Text Message or a message on Whatsapp.
    Send SMS or Whatsapp Message
    1. Make sure to include the merge tag for a proper field where you store your contact phone numbers.
    Twilio SMS - Contact Phone Number
    1. Write down a suitable Message or you may click on the OpenAI icon (if connected) to generate the message with AI.
    Write your SMS or generate with AI

    And that’s it. Now, anyone in this automation workflow will get an SMS from you.

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