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  4. Mail Mint Email Bounce Handling – Amazon SES

Mail Mint Email Bounce Handling – Amazon SES

Step 1: Log in to Amazon SNS Console

First, go to Amazon SNS Console and log in to your AWS account.

AWS Login

Step 2: Create a topic

Go to Topics and click on the Create Topic button.

Create a topic

Step 3: Name your topic

Select the topic type as Standard. Now, enter a name for your topic. Here, we have named our topic “Mail-Mint-Bounce-Handler.” Please follow the naming convention.

Enter Topic name

Step 4: Create a new subscription

You’ll now get directed to a detailed view of your topic. From here, click on the Create Subscription button.

Create a Subscription

Choose the HTTPS protocol and check the option to enable raw message delivery.

Choose Https

Step 5: Go to Mail Mint ⇨ Settings ⇨ Email

  • Open Mail Mint and click on Settings.
  • Now, go to the Email Settings section.
  • Scroll down and enable the bounce tracking settings.
Enable bounce tracking

Select Amazon SES from the dropdown and copy the webhook URL.

Copy Webhook URL

Step 6: Configure your Amazon SNS subscription

Choose the HTTPS protocol and paste the webhook URL.

Configure HTTPS & Webhook

Once done, click on Create Subscription. After your subscription is successfully created, you’ll be redirected to the subscription detail page. Refresh the page after a few minutes, and it’ll update the status as Confirmed.

Confirm Subscription

Step 7: Configure the Settings on the Amazon SES Console

Go to Amazon SES console home. In the navigation pane, choose Identities, and click on Create Identity. Here, you can see all the domains and email addresses that have been verified as yours.

Configure Amazon Console

Create two identities, one for the domain and another for the email address. Verify the domain and email address to set up the notification.

Create identities

From the identities list, select the domain or email that you have just verified. In the navigation pane, choose Notifications.

verified Email & Domain

Click on Edit next to the Feedback Notifications section.

Feedback Notifications

Next, assign the Amazon SNS topic under the Bounce and Complaint Feedback fields and click on the Save changes button when done.

Configure SNS Topics

Step 8: Test your settings

Now click on the Send Test Email button.

Send Test Email

From the scenario section, choose the bounce and enter the subject and body.

Test Config

After clicking on the Send Test Email, a contact in your Mail Mint contact list will be created with this email: ‘[email protected]’. Send an email to it. It will bounce back, and the status of this contact will change to Bounced.

Bounced Email

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