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How To Edit Checkout Fields In WPFunnels

With WPFunnels, you can edit the checkout fields of the funnel checkout.

The checkout field editor offers a user-friendly interface for managing your WooCommerce checkout page. You can edit, view steps, conduct A/B testing, and set specific conditions to optimize checkout.

Featuring an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, WPFunnels makes it simple to add new fields, modify existing ones, or rearrange them to suit your needs.

Let’s dive deeper into the Checkout Fields Editor in WPFunnels and explore its powerful features.

Step 1: Setup Edit Fields at the Checkout Step

First, create a typical sales funnel. You may import a template or create one from scratch.

Then plan & map your steps and assign the main sales product to the funnel.

1. Once you’ve built your sales funnels, navigate to the checkout step and click on the ‘Cart’ icon to proceed.

Checkout step settings option

The checkout settings drawer will appear. And you’ll get the following view.

2. Go to the Edit Fields tab.

Checkout step: Edit Fields

3. Here you’ll see 3 sections:

  • Billing Fields: You’ll be able to enable all the billing information from here.
  • Shipping Fields: You can enable the Shipping information from this section
  • Additional Fields: This section is for any additional field except billing/shipping.
Checkout field editor

Step 2: How To Add New Field in the Checkout

1. Click on the +Add Field button.

Checkout field editor - add new field

2. A drawer will appear for you to set up the field. Configure it as you want.

Checkout field editor—add new field drawer

3. Then click on Save Changes, and the field will be added.

Step 3: How To Edit Existing field in the Field editor

1. To edit an existing field, click on the Edit icon (on the right side of that field).

Checkout field editor - edit existing field

2. The Edit Field drawer will appear for you. You can edit labels and placeholders, set a default value, select type, etc.

Checkout field editor - edit field drawer

3. And then click on Save Changes.

Step 4: How To Delete an Existing Field

To delete an existing field, click on the Delete icon (on the right side of that field).

You will get a confirmation alert; click yes to delete.

Checkout field editor: delete field

Step-5: How to Restore to Default

If you want to restore everything to the default settings, click on the Restore To Default button. It will remove all the changes you’ve made.

Checkout field editor: restore to default

That’s it! You can now effortlessly edit, add, or remove checkout fields, giving you full control to customize your funnel checkout page to perfection.

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