Design Funnel Steps Easily

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How To Use Premium Funnel Templates For WPFunnels

WPFunnels Pro comes with industry-specific premium sales funnel templates.

You can easily import the premium templates and use them on the go to get your funnels up and running immediately.

How To Get Premium Funnel Templates

You can follow these easy steps to use premium templates for your sales funnel.

Step 1 – Install and activate WPFunnels Pro

You will need to have both WPFunnels (Basic) and WPFunnels Pro to get access to our premium templates.

Here’s how you can activate them:

Step 2 – Start creating a funnel to view the templates

Go to WPFunnels > Funnels.

  • Here, If you haven’t created any funnel yet, then you will see the following window. Click on the “+ Create Your First Funnel” button.
Funnel Creation Overview - Start creating funnel
  • Or, if you have created a funnel already, then it will be listed as follows. Click on “+ Add New funnel” in the top right corner.
Funnels listed

It will take you to the following page where you will see all our available funnel templates.

Funnel Creation Overview - Scratch or template

Step 3 – Choose a suitable funnel template

By default, All templates will be selected. To see the Free or Premium templates separately, you may click on Free or Premium filters on the top right side.

Free or Pro templates

Here, you can also choose if you want to see the WooCommerce templates or Lead Generation templates.

  • WooCommerce templates are sales funnel templates. In these funnels, you will be able to create a journey for products that you host on WooCommerce.
  • Lead Generation templates a simple lead generation funnel templates where you can collect leads naturally in WordPress.
All funnel templates - type

Choose one of the templates you like, and hover on it to get the option to import it, view its steps, or preview it.

Funnel Creation Overview - Import a template

 Step 4 – Import your funnel template in one click

Click on the Import button and in just a few seconds, it will import the funnel journey into the funnel canvas.

Funnel Creation Overview - Funnel steps imported and mapped

Here, you can click on the preview icon to view the page, which will have the template applied. And you can click on the edit icon to open the page in edit mode via your favorite page builder.

Preview or edit funnel steps

How To Ensure You Get Premium Funnel Templates For Your Preferred Page Builder

WPFunnels comes with pre-built templates for 5 page builders/themes:

  1. Gutenberg
  2. Elementor
  3. Oxygen
  4. Divi
  5. Bricks

To ensure you get our templates for your preferred page builder out of these 5, when creating funnels, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Go to WPFunnels Settings
  2. Here, under General Settings, you will get to select your preferred page builder.
  3. Select it and click on Sync Templates.
WPFunnels Settings - General Settings Overview

That’s it. Now you will have all our pre-built free and premium templates available for your preferred page builder.

You will be able to view all available templates in the Templates menu under WPFunnels.

WPFunnels templates menu

Whichever template you choose, you can then proceed with creating and configuring your funnel and customize the funnel pages real quick by tweaking the templates easily.

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