Here, you will get a quick overview of the whole funnel creation process.
1. On the Funnels tab, click on the Create Your First Funnel.

2. Once you click on the button, you will see the option to ‘Start From Scratch.’ And you will be able to see all the available pre-made funnel templates.

Here, you have two choices:
- Create A Funnel From Scratch
- Import A Pre-made Funnel Template
– which you can hover on to import, view steps, or preview.
i. Create A Funnel From Scratch
If you choose to create the funnel from scratch, simply click on the ‘Start From Scratch’ button.

You will get a window to name the funnel and you can choose to create a funnel journey with a few pre-planned steps (which will be blank) or start completely new.

When you choose not to use any of the steps here, it will appear as a blank canvas and you will get the add steps one by one.

Read the next section to get an elaborate explanation of Step creation.
ii. Import A Pre-made Funnel Template
On the Funnel creation page, you may hover on one of the templates and click on Preview to view the funnel in action or click on Import to import the funnel steps.

You may hover on each step to get a quick preview or click on the Preview button below each step to get a live preview of that step.

You may hover on each step to get a quick preview or click on the Preview button below each step to get a live preview of that step.
Once you are satisfied, on top, you may rename the funnel if you want to and then click on Import to import the funnel steps along with the pre-made page designs.
After importing, you’ll be directed to the Funnel Planning Canvas, where the steps will already be arranged and mapped in the correct order.

You can then assign the product in the checkout step and proceed with customizing the funnel pages.
== Adding Steps In Between Other Steps ==
On the funnel canvas, you will able to add more steps (where appropriate) quite easily. Let’s understand this with an example.
Suppose you want to add an upsell step between the Checkout step and the Thank You step. To do so,
1. Hover on the arrow between the top steps to get a “+” icon.

2. Click on the “+” icon and it will take to to a step addition window.

3. Here, you can choose the step type and either import a template or create it from scratch.

You can then proceed to assign products to offer as an upsell and customize this new step for design.