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  4. How To Set Up A/B Testing For WPFunnels Steps

How To Set Up A/B Testing For WPFunnels Steps

Now you can run A/B Testing on every step of your funnel and choose the best variant for more conversion!

Here’s how you can set up A/B Testing for your WPFunnels steps.

Step 1: Edit Your Funnel

1. Make sure you have WPFunnels Pro installed and activated with a valid license key on your site.

2. After that, create a new funnel or edit an existing one to use the A/B testing feature.

Edit a funnel in WPFunnels

Step 2: Create Variants For A Funnel Step

1. Click on the Landing step and select the [A/B] option.

WPFunnels landing step options

2. Now, choose from the 3 options how you want to create a new variation of the Landing step.

  • Duplicate Variant – it will duplicate the funnel landing page
  • Choose From Template – it will let you choose a template for another variation of your landing page
  • Start From Scratch – it will let you design another landing page from scratch
Create a new variant for A-B testing

Here, I am choosing the Duplicate Variant option to create another landing page variation.

3. After choosing an option, your variant will be created on the funnel canvas.

2 variants for A/B testing

4. If you want to create another variant of the same step, click on the Landing step again & click the (+) sign. It will give you 3 options to choose from again.

Create another variant

5. Click the Save button on the top right corner of your funnel canvas.

Step 3: Set Up & Run A/B Testing

1. Now to set up your A/B testing, click on the Start icon. It will open a setup window for you.

Set up A/B testing

2. Now set up the Weight Distribution to define the percentage.

Here I’ve set 60% for Variation-1 & 40% for Variation-2.

Set up weight distribution

3. If you want to see the result on which variation wins, just Enable Automatic Winner.

After that, choose a winning condition (let’s say “Traffic” in this case) and set a value for it (let’s say 20).

This means the variation which gets 20 traffic first, will be the winner among these 2 variants.

Enable Automatic Winner

4. Click on the Start A/B Testing button to start A/B testing for this step.

Step 4: Check A/B Testing Stats

1. On your funnel canvas, click on the Stats icon above your variants.

Check A/B testing stat

2. It will open the Stat window and you can view the details such as visits, conversion, conversion rate, revenue & winner of this A/B testing.

A/B testing stat

3. If you want, you can declare a winner manually – just enable the toggle for a variant manually. Then click on Declare As A Winner button.

Declare a Winner manually

Step 5: Stop Running A/B Testing

Now that you have a winner you can stop the A/B testing for this step.

On your funnel canvas, click on the Stop icon above your variants and the A/B test will stop running.

Stop A/B testing

That’s it, now easily repeat these processes for other funnel steps as well to run A/B tests.

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